Zitong Yu defends his PhD

Zitong Yu successfully defended his dissertation titled “Integrating Physics and Deep Learning for Transmission-less Attenuation Compensation in Clinical SPECT”. Congratulations Zitong and wish you all the very best going forward!

Dr. Jha receives Distinguished Investigator Award

Dr. Jha received the Distinguished Investigators Award from the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research. This honor recognizes individuals from academic and industry institutions for their outstanding contributions to medical imaging. Thanks to the Academy for this kind recognition!

Zekun Li defends his PhD

Zekun Li successfully defended his dissertation titled “Projection-domain low-count quantitative SPECT methods for radiopharmaceutical therapies”. Congratulations Zekun and best wishes going forward!

Publication on an in silico imaging trial for quantitative SPECT

We are thrilled to share that our article on an silico imaging trial to validate a low-count quantitative SPECT method for alpha-particle radiopharmaceutical therapies has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine! The trial is titled In Silico Imaging Trial for Quantitation Accuracy (ISIT-QA). Link to article here. Congratulations to all collaborators! […]

New article on detection-task specific deep denoising

Excited to share that our article on a deep-learning-based detection-task specific denoising method for improving the image quality of low-count myocardial perfusion SPECT images has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences! Link to article here (open access) Working on this was such a fantastic ride, building from the findings […]

New publication on need for task-based evaluation of segmentation methods

Excited to share that our article that asks the question of whether evaluation of image-segmentation algorithms using task-agnostic metrics (e.g. Dice scores) is concordant with evaluation on clinical quantitative tasks has been published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine! The results are intriguing and demonstrate the need for evaluation of segmentation algorithms on clinical tasks! […]

Uttkarsh awarded SNMMI Student Research grant

Uttkarsh Chaurasia, 1st year PhD student in our lab, has received an SNMMI Student Research grant for a project on developing machine-learning methods for image segmentation. Congratulations Uttkarsh!

Fardeen awarded SNMMI Student Research Grant

Fardeen Ahmed, 1st year PhD student in the CMIT lab has received the SNMMI Student Research Grant. His project is in the area of developing reconstruction methods for radiopharmaceutical therapies. Congratulations Fardeen!

Zekun receives SNMMI Bradley Alavi Fellowship

Zekun Li, PhD student in the CMIT Lab, received the SNMMI Bradley Alavi fellowship for a project on validating quantitative SPECT methods for radiopharmaceutical therapies. Zekun is continuing to strongly push this area of research during his PhD and we appreciate and are excited that SNMMI is supporting him to make further strides in this […]

Yan finalist for RFW award at SPIE

Yan Liu, PhD student in the lab, was a finalist for the prestigious Robert F. Wagner award at the 2024 SPIE Medical Imaging meeting for her work on an upper bound for evaluating quantitative imaging methods without ground truth. Her talk generated significant interest at the meeting! The link to her talk is here (link)

Nuri’s work recognized at the SPIE Medical imaging meeting

Nuri Choi was a finalist for the Robert F. Wagner Best Student paper award at the 2024 SPIE Medical imaging meeting for his paper on a patient-specific protocol optimization for cardiac SPECT. This was a special proud moment for our lab as Nuri conducted this work in my lab as an undergraduate student in collaboration with […]

Asheq defends his PhD

We are delighted to share that Asheq has successfully defended his PhD on October 3, 2023. The title of his dissertation is “Development and Objective task-based evaluation of methods of Computational methods for Clinical SPECT”. Asheq had a great PhD tenure, during which time, he published multiple journal articles, presented at a range of conferences […]

Dr. Jha receives NSF CAREER award!

Dr. Jha has received the NSF CAREER award! The title of his proposal is “CAREER: Developing a list-mode imaging paradigm”. The proposed project aims to push the fundamental limits of imaging by developing novel theoretical and computational methods to extract task-specific information from list-mode imaging systems. Thanks to the National Science Foundation for supporting our research!

Kweku receives SNMMI Student Research Grant

Delighted to share that Kweku Enninful, one of the newest members of the CMIT lab, has received the 2023 Medical and Science Student Research grant from the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) for his proposal on developing quantitative SPECT methods for radiopharmaceutical therapy. Kweku is in the first year of his BME PhD […]

Ziping finalist for RFW award at SPIE

Ziping was a finalist for the Robert F. Wagner Best paper award at the SPIE Medical Imaging meeting for his paper titled “Need for objective task-based evaluation of AI-based segmentation methods for quantitative PET”. His talk on this topic generated lots of interest at the meeting. Congrats Ziping!

Zekun passes proposal exam

Zekun passed his proposal exam with flying colors! His proposal was on developing quantitative SPECT methods for radiopharmaceutical therapies. Zekun has already published the findings from his research and has also presented at multiple conferences, where his work has been nominees for Best Oral and Best Poster awards. We celebrated Zekun’s success and Ziping’s birthday […]

Presentation at Evens Society Alumni weekend

Dr. Jha spoke on how AI can help nuclear medicine at the 2022 Evens Society Alumni weekend. This talk was part of a Continuing Medical Education (CME) program.

Invited talk at the ASNC Annual Meeting

Dr. Jha presented an invited talk titled “Task-Based Evaluation of AI-based Medical Imaging Methods in Nuclear Cardiology” at the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) 2022 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. This talk was part of a special session on Artificial Intelligence in Cardiac Imaging. We thank the organizers for the invitation to present at […]

Asheq passes proposal exam

Asheq successfully passed his proposal exam! His research is on developing computational SPECT methods for clinical applications. Asheq’s committee consists of Dr. Yuan Chuan Tai, Dr. Barry Siegel, Dr. Richard Laforest, Dr. Matthew Lew and Dr. Jha. Many thanks to all the the committee members for their inputs and feedback during the exam. Great job, […]

Organized session on clinical translation of AI at the SNMMI Annual Meeting

We had great fun organizing a session at the 2022 SNMMI Annual Meeting entitled “Clinical Evaluation of AI algorithms: The road towards clinical translation”! This turned out to be an amazing session with talks on best practices for evaluation, the role of physicians in evaluation, regulatory aspects and industrial perspectives. This was followed by an engaging […]

New publication on quantitative SPECT for alpha-particle therapy

Delighted to share that our publication on a projection-domain low-count quantitative SPECT method for alpha-particle-based radiopharmaceutical therapies has been accepted for publication to the IEEE Transactions on Radiation Imaging and Plasma Sciences! The arxiv version of the article is available here. In this manuscript, we develop a method to perform quantification of uptake within different […]

Imaging innovator of the week

Dr. Jha was selected as the Imaging Innovator of the week of the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

Hae Sol Moon hooded at the graduation ceremony

It was a proud moment for our lab as Hae Sol Moon was hooded at the recent commencement ceremony. Hae Sol has been doing fantastic work in his Masters thesis on developing computational methods for analysis of brain SPECT images.

Accomplishments of summer interns

Bo Yang and Tanya Hao, summer interns at our lab, presented their research on developing computational imaging solutions for radiology at the SU Internship seminar.

New paper on modeling photon propagation for optical imaging

Our paper on incorporating reflection boundary conditions in the radiative transport equation for modeling photon transport has been accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.  Computational studies show that method yields an average of 84% more accurate estimate of the optical coefficients in comparison to when the reflection boundary conditions are not modeled! This paper continues our […]

Dr. Jha invited to SNMMI/NCI Round Table discussion

Dr. Abhinav Jha was invited to a round table discussion on Targeted Radiotherapy: From Research to Clinical Practice. The discussion was organized by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) and the National Cancer Institute’s NCI) at the Smilow Translational Research Building at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.  

Dr. Jha co-chairs session at Computational Phantoms Workshop

Dr. Abhinav Jha co-chaired a session at the 6th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, Annapolis, MD (http://www.cpworkshop.org/). This workshop has been focusing on the exciting field of computational phantoms being developed for medical imaging. This year, there was a special emphasis on the applications of these phantoms in computational modeling and simulations for biomedical imaging, radiation dosimetry, […]

Young Investigator Award at SNMMI 2017

Dr. Abhinav Jha was awarded a Therapy Center for Excellence Young Investigator Award at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) Annual meeting 2017. The award was for the paper titled “A no-gold-standard framework to evaluate FDG-PET tumor-segmentation methods on the task of measuring prognostic biomarkers for lung-cancer treatment” (link). We also had another […]

New paper on no-gold-standard evaluation in JMI Special section

Our paper on developing a no-gold-standard (NGS) technique to evaluate quantitative imaging methods with patient data in the absence of ground truth was accepted for publication in a special section of the Journal of Medical Imaging (link). This work was in collaboration with radiologists at the Johns Hopkins Division of Nuclear Medicine. We were interested […]